好きを浮き彫りにし、大切を愛おしみ、生きるを祝うモノ コト トキを人生に。そんな思いを投影したVIVIDEEPオリジナルの「tools」とともに、人の手と心から生まれる「arts」を、テキスタイル・木工・ガラス・陶・アイアン・絵画等々、カテゴリーやスタイルにとらわれず、好きと縁をたぐりたぐり品揃え。身につけるアートもお届けします。
私たちの営みが"生きるを祝うモノ コト トキ"へのいざないとなるよう心して、皆さまのお越しをお待ちしています。
VIVIDEEP is a label of storage tools produced by Unovivideep who has a original title LIFETEXTURIST with the intention of "texturing" instead of styling. Unovivideep has been gazed a relationship between thngs and people in their daily lives, and created storage tools as a "mechanism" that renews the relationship. On the concept of "things to celebrate lives, time to be yourself truly",the mechanism will delighten each person's likes ,also will be a saucer to catch the joy of vivid & deep living.
Unovivideep also curates and coordinates with many artists regardless of genre or style, including painting, textile, ceramics, glass, woodwork etc. and present brightness to your life sometimes with functionality, sometimes without functionality in the shop「tools & arts VIVIDEEP maison」.